About Yoga


Yoga uses the vehicle of the body, breath and mind to restore balance and harmony. Everyone is different and each of us can benefit from yoga.  Certain types of yoga are better suited to certain people.  Mia’s teaching and personal practice has been influenced by three styles in particular (Ashtanga, Iyengar and Yin). She is a qualified yoga instructor (500 hour Iyengar-based course and International Yin-Insight course).

Mia has appeared in yoga magazines and written many articles on Yoga (see press section).  She has a deep knowledge of yoga and teaches from the heart with insight and compassion.  Her teaching feels “wholesome, physical and spiritual”, at the same time as being very clear and down to earth (see Clients’ views for her students’ perspectives).  Mia creates a safe space in which people feel safe to learn and be themselves - they carry this learning outside of the yoga rooms and into their lives.

Mia is fortunate to have studied with a number of phenomenal yoga teachers.  In particular, she is grateful to have had the opportunity to study directly with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (Ashtanga yoga founding father) and to have trained as a teacher with Ruth White (Karuna yoga, Iyengar-based) and Sarah Powers (Insight, Yin-based Yoga).  She has also been lucky enough to have studied with and interviewed some of the world’s top yoga teachers and is indebted to them for giving so generously of their time to help her develop her series on different yoga styles (see Press section).  Not only has this helped her writing and teaching, but it has transformed her own practice and understanding of yoga.  They are each leaders in their fields and Mia is humbled by their knowledge and dedication. Thank you: Aadil Palkhivala, Chuck Miller, Hamish Hendry, Kino MacGregor, Paul Grilley, Ruth White and Sarah Powers, as well as David Gorman, an expert in anatomy, the Alexander Technique and his own technique, LearningMethods.

Mia can provide instruction, coaching in yoga or to recommend a teacher or type of yoga.

Email her at: Mia@WorldsUnite.org.

 ...Yoga is the resolution of    oppositions ...
                            Chuck & Maty